Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tis The Season For Brotherly (and Sisterly) LOVE

I was going through photos to see which one I wanted to use for this post...well I stumbled across this one. It is funny. The reason being is the comment that was made after the picture was taken. Erin states,"Mom, see we REALLY do love each other." And then Aden replies, "WE DO???" I couldn't stop laughing and they didn't understand why it was so funny. Out of the mouths of babes! And just look at the love that surrounds Christmas...and Presents!

1 comment:

Amy Barrett said...

Hi Brandi! This post is so sweet! I didn't know you had a blog! I was checking out Heather Eaton's and saw your link! Your kiddos are precious! Merry Christmas.