Monday, December 1, 2008

New Family Member

Erin, my lovely 10 year old daughter, has a new hamster. A teacher at her school had baby hamsters to give away. So, you guessed it! That is what she picked for her Christmas present from her Grandparents. (They send us money to buy them presents, so the kids get what they want.) So Erin got a hamster home and all the fixins! I picked up her new baby tonight after work. She has named her Piper. She is soooo tiny! She is totally cute and very sweet. So our family has grown to 7. Michael, Me, Erin, Aden, Milo (cat), Horton (dog), and Piper (hamster). Our cup runneth over...


Heather said...

We need to see a picture of Piper...with your new camera!!

Liz Harrell said...

Milo, Horton and Piper. Those are great names! :)