Monday, September 21, 2009


My "baby" is now 6 years old. He is in kindergarten. WOW! I never thought that could happen. I will post pictures later of his birthday. Nothing fancy...just family! He did go shopping for his birthday this year instead of us buying him presents. And he loved it! New DS game, ipod shuffle, new shoes, t-shirts, star wars sword, marshmallow gun, slinky...lots of new cool things. This was with all of his birthday money. Not just from us. Both of my kids like the shopping thing now. It sure makes things a lot easier. And they get exactly what they want!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We recently decided to sponsor a child from Compassion. His name is Patrick Mwangi Njuguna. He is from Africa. This is a GREAT organization if you feel the need to help a child in need. (It is easy to sponsor a child, just visit their website at These children so desperately need our help. We get caught up in what television show we are going to watch or which restaurant we want to eat at...that we don't think about how the "non Americans" live. It would be simpler if we could just get rid of a lot of the worldly things that we just don't have to have to live our lives! Spending time with our families...playing outside...reading...just enjoying life with each other. Okay, I will get off my soap box, but seriously consider checking out this organization. It is something that has been on my heart. Have a GREAT week!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stampin' Up!

I went stampin last night and had a BLAST! I am hooked. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. It was a blessing to be around friends and just be yourself. Thank you Heather! I am so glad I got to come to Pam's last night. Looking forward to more stampin nights!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, the running is going well. We are up to running 3 minutes and walking 3 minutes. I am not dying yet. I have hurt my knee...but it is not that bad. I have lost 11 pounds and we will just say several inches from different areas of my body. YEA! Clothes fit better, I feel better...It is amazing what a little exercise will do for a girl.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Women Can Run! Jonesboro!

I can officially say that I am a "Runner"! Women Can Run has started and last night was the first night. I did well. I am not sore. And I have been watching what I eat the last couple of weeks. This "better me" is looking up. I have a BIG birthday coming up in May and I don't want to greet it with this body. Sooooo....I am exercising/running and watching out for bad foods and snacks. It seems to be working in the right direction. I will keep you posted.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!

Well unfortunately we have another six weeks of winter weather! The Groundhog saw his shadow. That is not good. Especially since we just went through a week of ice crap! No electric, no cable, no internet, NO NOTHING! With children, that is just not fun. I have pictures...and I will post them...but haven't had a computer to work with. So maybe now, new week...back to "normal" that possible?? And for those of you who know about my "appointment" tomorrow...say lots of prayer! I really need you praying for this. More to come later.