Saturday, November 29, 2008

Officially Christmas Time Again!

Happy Holidays! I got my Chritmas present early this year! I am now the proud new owner of a "Grown Up" camera! YEA! I finally have a camera that takes good pictures and doesn't die on me as soon as you take a couple of pics. So I am learning all the new tricks and fancys that this bad boy has! Now I will be able to load some "current" family pictures on my new blog! Merry Christmas to me (just a little early). More to come...stay tuned...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ok, the date is a little off...but I had to put a picture of who the David Crowder Band actually was! We are going to Memphis tonight to see them in concert. I am so excited...15th Row Center! Thanks to my parents for picking the kids up from daycare and keeping them into the night for us to be able to attend the glorious event. This is part of our anniversary present...tomorrow is our anniversary. 11 Years!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

I think this says it all...I love this pic!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the mood for Christmas...

I am totally in the mood for Christmas this year! Last year, I think I put my tree up two weeks before Christmas and then took it down the day after. I know, I have children and shouldn't have done that, but I did. This year is different...I already have my Christmas stuff out of the attic. I can't wait!